Mandatory Documents

Veer baal diwas

 State Public School, Jalandhar Cantt, Commemorates 'Veer Bal Diwas' in Memory of Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Brave Sons


In remembrance of the martyrdom of the brave sons of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, State Public School, Jalandhar Cantt, organized a special morning assembly to celebrate 'Veer Bal Diwas.' The assembly began with soulful hymns, followed by speeches, poems, and religious songs presented by students, all centered around Sikh history and the unparalleled sacrifices of the Sahibzadas.


On this occasion, teachers narrated the inspiring stories of the Sahibzadas' valor and sacrifice to the students. Additionally, kindergarten students were shown the animated movie 'Chaar Sahibzaade,' which left them deeply moved and appreciative of the courage of the Sahibzadas.


The school's President, Dr. Narotam Singh, Vice President, Dr. Gagandeep Kaur of Group of State Public Schools and Principal, Mrs. Savina Bahl, highlighted the significance of the day. They emphasized that the primary objective of this special observance was to pay tribute to the bravery and martyrdom of the Sahibzadas while inspiring students to be determined and hardworking in their lives.

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